Dear Collaborators

We have made this page for our collaborators, fishers, and Land and Sea Rangers who have agreed to tag, sample and measure sawfish for our collaborative study. Please save the link to this page, and links to the videos on your device, as they are not publicly available.

Sawfish training videos

1. General handling considerations

2. Dart tagging and DNA sampling

3. Attaching a satellite tag

Sawfish handling manual

This manual will expand and update the last sawfish release manual developed by DPI Qld (now DAF) in 2009. It was developed in consultation with inshore gill netters from the Gulf of Carpentaria. We consider it to be work in progress. If you think that it is amazing, amazingly wrong, or anything in between, get involved and send us your comments via our contact form or by emailing Barbara directly. We appreciate any input that is polite and constructive!


Additional files – click on each file down download a copy

What to do with data sheets and samples?

Please let Barbara know when you have caught tagged and released a sawfish, or require more materials. mobile 0431 five one nine 524, barbara (at)

Please mail filled in data sheets and samples to SARA, PO Box 575, Bungalow, Qld 4870. We are happy to reimburse you for postage fees.

Production of the training videos was funded by the Shark Conservation Fund.